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845 videos found.
Zero to Awesome: Using XML Data Objects 07/13/2009 - 2:09pm

Having worked with FileMaker since 1990, it's great to see new features added in with each release. Despite my personal desire to see more drastic changes in the application, I'm still extremely impressed with what it can create in such a short period of time. I've said it before and I'll say it again, FileMaker helped me learn how to program in other languages.

Which is what this video is about. Using another language, although right within FileMaker, to accomplish something that would be much harder with FileMaker alone. Spread across the Internet landscape are tons of standards. One of these is XML. It's hard to envision a day where something else (human readable) may be used more widely for information exchange.

Since FileMaker doesn't offer a true language based iterator (such as doing loops within calculations), you need to go outside of FileMaker. ScriptMaster and Java (Groovy in particular - which is Java at its core) to the rescue! This video is about the super simple, but immensely powerful Groovy XmlSlurper function. If you're going to deal with ANY type of xml EVER, then considering this option can save you TONS of time as opposed to trying in FileMaker alone!

Using Constant Global Keys 07/01/2009 - 7:56pm

In pretty much every database solution, you'll inevitably have the need for temporary data. This can be anything from configuration settings for the solution to run, to the header lines of an email - you know, subject, from, to, etc.

When it comes to storing and using this temporary data, you can typically (and should) use variables. However, there are times when you need to use FileMaker's unique feature of multi-keys, if not just for the purpose of a GTRR (Go To Related Record). If not familiar, this is simply storing a return-delimited list of record keys within a normal text field or a global text field.

Concerning the later, the big problem with using a global text field is one of indexing. In order for relationships to function properly, the field at the receiving end must be indexed. If there's no index, there's no way for FileMaker to lookup the relevant matching records.

So, we need a solution, and it comes in the form of a Constant Global Key. This is simply a mechanism for allowing you to use a stored global field within a dedicated global table, so you can link to other related records. If that sounds confusing, then hopefully the video will clear things up!

Learning & Using ScriptMaster 06/24/2009 - 8:41pm

If all you know is FileMaker, great! You're able to create a functional solution which helps other people get stuff done. It's the problem-solving-addiction that makes FileMaker so much fun to use.

However, what happens when FileMaker simply can't do what you want it to do? What happens when FileMaker just isn't up to the task? What if things are just too slow? Can you possibly learn more about another technology?

I hope you can! Because, at the very least, knowing what is possible helps you accomplish more. This is "Oh, so true", when it comes to what a FileMaker plug-in can do for you. In the case of ScriptMaster, you can do ANYTHING that Java can.

Wait, ooh SCARY! Matt said the "J" word. That's the super-complex, wayyyy confounding über language that runs many of the worlds most powerful web sites and technologies, right? Yep, sure is, but I want to you approach it from the mindset of "Hey, this is easy". Here's a 35 minute video that will make you feel right at home!

Highlight List View Rows 06/15/2009 - 6:37pm

You'd think highlighting the current record row within a FileMaker list view would be a simple thing. Turns out, there have been a number of attempts at making this easy - it just hasn't been the case. The older method found in Highlight Record Row in list view used a script-trigging plug-in and there was another method that used a hyper-extended web viewer to force row background color.

With FileMaker 10, the easiest way, to-date, is here. In the associated file, it's just a straight simple Script Trigger. All you really need to do is set a global variable and this can be done with a layout script tied to OnRecordLoad.

However, I take an extra bit of effort to use conditional formatting to make the effect happen. My reasoning is described in the file.

If you haven't added this feature into your own solutions then you need to watch this video. It's just way to simple to add this feature in!

Field-free Checkboxes 06/02/2009 - 9:09pm

Oh, FileMaker! How I simply love adding a new field to the database just to provide some transient user interface widget. It's a small price to pay isn't it? For such a flexible and forgiving environment?

Wait a second, don't pay that price! You can have your check box interface widget without having to add any fields or any graphics. The response is snappy, the look matches the native OS and it's "Oh so easy to copy!".

In this video, I show you a great technique about using a web viewer to accomplish the use of field-free check boxes. Of course, this applies not just to check boxes but any widget you can show in a web viewer. Getting data out of a web viewer isn't that easy. But the real question is, "Do you really need to?". Watch the video to see for yourself!

Instant Search Enhanced 06/02/2009 - 9:05pm

Script Triggers are making so many new things possible in FileMaker Pro. Searching is one of the areas which will benefit the most. As might be expected, searching is already the predominant feature of any database, behind storage of course.

In this video, I walk through a technique created by Ray Cologon of I show you how the technique works, how the script triggers are operating, and then I enhance the technique with a few of my own features.

If making your FileMaker database even easier to search is an appealing feature then make sure and watch this video!

Zero to Awesome - Keyboard Navigation 05/18/2009 - 2:39pm

Long live your computer mouse! It's here to stay, until we have fully reliable voice response systems or visual cortex tracking - or maybe even futuristic plugs in our heads to control our computers.

Until then, we can use things like FileMaker 10's new script triggers to allow users to navigate a FileMaker layout using the keyboard.

It's actually quite easy and this video will give you the tools and information you need to make it happen!

Note for subscribers. Access the file on the previous article Script Triggers OnTabLoad Video Article.

Script Triggers OnTabLoad 05/05/2009 - 6:11pm

Yes, you've read the title correctly. I made up my own Script Trigger. In fact, you too can make up your own, and make it do whatever you want!

In this video, I expand on FileMaker's Script Triggers to show you how to create and leverage the concept of an OnTabLoad event which happens each time the user clicks on a tab within a tab panel.

By moving to each tab, you have the opportunity to execute as many subscripts as desired. While FileMaker's Layout Script Triggers and Object Script Triggers limit you to one script, the number of branching subscripts is clearly unlimited. Use this knowledge to create and use cool techniques such as OnTabLoad!

Unlimited Infinite Hierarchies 04/23/2009 - 5:00pm
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You've always been able to implement Hierarchies within FileMaker Pro - even back in version 3 - at least from a data standpoint. You can easily use two fields to manage a Parent to Child relationship. However, the biggest problem of understanding, implementing and using hierarchies rears its ugly head when it comes to managing and allowing users to interact with them.

Along comes FileMaker 10 (which the referenced file requires) and you're now able to more easily manage an unlimited number of hierarchies based on any tables or records in your solution and each hierarchy can have an infinite number of rows. There are no limitations based on table occurrences when you understand the data structure of how it all works.

The remaining problems to solve are related to user interaction with the Hierarchy and maintaining state of collapsed and expanded rows.

If you've always wanted a deep understanding of how to use these "folder trees" (know as posets in Hierarchy mathematics), you'll be hard pressed to find better information about getting them into FileMaker Pro!

Zero to Awesome - History Tracking Revisit 04/06/2009 - 6:53pm

Because I've added history features to the My Invoicer solution, I decided to add one more video to the mix about using a History table. The concept behind the whole approach is to simply use a dedicated table which will track pretty much everything a user does to any data in the database - provided you account for such actions. This isn't exactly audit logging. It's another dimensions to knowing who is doing what in the database.

Using a History table is an extension to using a Sessions table, wherein with sessions you're tracking what a user does between the times they login and logout. Add audit logging to using a history table, and you have an extremely robust tracking and logging system.

There are many ways to approach data history and tracking. In my solution, I've opted to use the History table as the primary place where users interact with data. With the addition of Script Triggers in FileMaker 10, it's certainly possible to achieve history tracking using triggers on events such as OnLayoutLoad. This means you don't have to edit data through a relationship, such as is done in the My Invoicer file. However, there may be some advantages to taking this approach. Ultimately, no matter how you accomplish it technically, the goal is to maintain the history of what is done to the data in the database. A history table helps you accomplish this.
