Using Constant Global Keys

In pretty much every database solution, you'll inevitably have the need for temporary data. This can be anything from configuration settings for the solution to run, to the header lines of an email - you know, subject, from, to, etc.

When it comes to storing and using this temporary data, you can typically (and should) use variables. However, there are times when you need to use FileMaker's unique feature of multi-keys, if not just for the purpose of a GTRR (Go To Related Record). If not familiar, this is simply storing a return-delimited list of record keys within a normal text field or a global text field.

Concerning the later, the big problem with using a global text field is one of indexing. In order for relationships to function properly, the field at the receiving end must be indexed. If there's no index, there's no way for FileMaker to lookup the relevant matching records.

So, we need a solution, and it comes in the form of a Constant Global Key. This is simply a mechanism for allowing you to use a stored global field within a dedicated global table, so you can link to other related records. If that sounds confusing, then hopefully the video will clear things up!

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