Zero to Awesome: Using XML Data Objects
Having worked with FileMaker since 1990, it's great to see new features added in with each release. Despite my personal desire to see more drastic changes in the application, I'm still extremely impressed with what it can create in such a short period of time. I've said it before and I'll say it again, FileMaker helped me learn how to program in other languages.
Which is what this video is about. Using another language, although right within FileMaker, to accomplish something that would be much harder with FileMaker alone. Spread across the Internet landscape are tons of standards. One of these is XML. It's hard to envision a day where something else (human readable) may be used more widely for information exchange.
Since FileMaker doesn't offer a true language based iterator (such as doing loops within calculations), you need to go outside of FileMaker. ScriptMaster and Java (Groovy in particular - which is Java at its core) to the rescue! This video is about the super simple, but immensely powerful Groovy XmlSlurper function. If you're going to deal with ANY type of xml EVER, then considering this option can save you TONS of time as opposed to trying in FileMaker alone!