
Updated Naming Conventions

When you work within a development environment long enough, you end up realizing where some of the pain points are for certain types of situations. For FileMaker Pro development, and many other systems, one of the biggest pain points is maintenance of a growing system. Where older code may be replaced instead of refactored.

What ends up happening is the older, unused code just sits there and only contributes to the growing mess which is what I call the "Giant Ball of Spaghetti Mess" that is a FileMaker solution gone awry.

So, what is one of the best solutions for keeping a system easy-to-maintain while also being able to understand what you're doing while developing? Naming standards or conventions of course. In this video, I discuss some updates to my own personal conventions which will lend themselves to helping to make a FileMaker solution much more streamlined.

If you consider your own FileMaker solution a special kind of mess, then give this video a peek for information about why naming certain things in certain ways can give you a helping hand for keeping your FileMaker solution easier to maintain and update.


Nomenclatura para FileMaker

FileMaker nos da una gran flexibilidad a la hora de nombrar los campos, las ocurrencias de tabla, los guiones...
Eso hace que cada desarrollador tenga sus propias reglas de nomenclatura (si es que las tiene).
En este vídeo podrás ver distintas opciones sobre cómo llamar a los distintos elementos dentro de un desarrollo FileMaker y así poder decir con cuál de ellas te quedas.
