Highlighting Portal Rows
Revealing the current state of your interface is of great benefit to users of your solutions. Features such as highlighting selected portal rows provide an instant indication of what is selected or where the user is.
When it comes to supporting unique rows within multiple portals on the same layout, you need to find a way to track each portal independently and know which record is selected within each portal.
Fortunately, through the power of named layout objects, some conditional formatting and a special utility script, you can accomplish this goal.
Watch this video for a great understanding of how to Highlight Portal Rows within your FileMaker solutions!
Viewing portal related records in a second portal
Is it possible to use this technique to view related records in a second portal? Using one portal as a navigation portal and the second portal to display results. for example
I want to see on one page all of my accounts in one portal. When I click on a account I would like to see its sales history in a portal next to it.
Yes, you can do this. This technique only shows how to highlight the rows but the logic to do what you want to do is possible.
-- Matt Petrowsky - ISO FileMaker Magazine Editor
Related Portal Data Results
Do you cover that in any of your lesson's?
Highlight Portal Row That Includes Editable Fields
Is there any chance that, by now, you've solved the the function so that it works when, for example, the user enters an editable field within the portal row? And, conversely, to "un-highlight" it when the user exits the field.