Zero to Awesome: jQuery Tools & Web Viewers

Presenting information in FileMaker can be very simple. Just drag some fields to the current layout, arrange them as desired and away you go. Throw in some tab panels and you can really clean things up.

But, what happens when your data structure doesn't accommodate this type of free form design. Maybe you need to anticipate data growth or use a design which is a bit more flexible.

Well, you can't get much more flexible than using a Web Viewer. The browser, HTML and CSS are not going anywhere. The benefit to us is that FileMaker integrated web viewers.

If you'd like to take full advantage of web viewers, then you'll need to become a bit more comfortable with Javascript. Or do you? Actually, you may only need to know how to integrate code which has already been created. In fact, in this video I show you how I simply took some code from the jQuery Tools site and realized some instant benefits within my FileMaker web viewer's data display. Watch this video to be inspired by what is out there right now!

MyInvoicer_090713.zip184.54 KB


Just used some of the techniques demonstrated here to autocreate the html for a table using a loop then adding a graph to the webviewer under the generated table with the visualizer plug-in
Got a bunch of click fields on a global layout to select some of the optional values in the javascript and CSS

Well worth looking at as it gives an embedded graphing solution while offline, which is very important for standalone kiosk modes...

would be nice if it required fewer hoops to negotiate, but well worth the finished thing... scaleable; configurable, real-time charting

New version is floating around...
fixes some issues with IE and adds vertical/horizontal choice for bar graphs...
and DEFINITELY works inside FM, have alive project with it working... Cool....