Interface Overhaul
Updating your FileMaker interface can seem like an overwhelming task if you have hundreds of layouts. However, if you simply start with one layout, it provides the motivation to move on to the others.
The key here, is that the process may help you discover areas where you can optimize or repurpose your interface. Following a few simple rules may help you end up with a much more usable interface.
In this video, I walk through a 2 hour interface expedition where I used a publicly available demo file that comes with the ScriptMaster plug-in, and show you how I converted it to an updated look.
Is it possible
to import an RSS feed into FileMaker records using the 360works plugin?
Nonetheless, this is pretty cool and I'd love to get a copy of the file.
Hi dsomar - it is possible
Hi dsomar - it is possible to use ScriptMaster to parse XML from a URL, such as an RSS feed. However, since RSS is just XML data, if you're familiar with using XSLT, it might be a better option to write an XSLT template and use the built-in XML import in FileMaker to import it directly. Feel free to get in touch with us at if you want an estimate for doing this.
Nice interface
I use ScriptMaster as well and would love a copy of the layout you built. Are you going to make it available as a download?
The interface will be released
As far as I'm aware (our last conversation), Jesse over at 360works will be using the interface.
-- Matt Petrowsky - ISO FileMaker Magazine Editor