Portal Results - Showing search results in a portal... and more!

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Search FileMaker help for the word "multi-key" and you'll find one page that includes it. Yet, showing what you want within a portal hinges on knowing about multi-keys. This video will show you two different techniques that use a multi-key to force a portal to reveal what you want.

The first technique uses a portal to show search results of a find. The second uses a portal to page through a large set of records. Managing large datasets within a portal can be a hazardous task in a large database, the network has to transfer the whole dataset to the FileMaker client. But thanks to Script Parameters and the new Let () function we can manage those thousands of records by showing smaller subsets. Watch this free video to learn how it's done!

PortalResults.zip403.96 KB


I subscribed to the website to get this solution in place for a database I'm working on -- but I can't seem to get it just right, maybe because I added a table to the database. Is there any way to get some help with it?

Thank you!