Easy Email Notifications

One of today's fundamental ways of being notified about something is via email. Of course, we also have new services like Twitter and the wonderful SMS features via our smartphones. Yet, even those services like Twitter send out email about the status of new tweets. It all comes back to email.

So, obviously, you'll want to take advantage of using email within your FileMaker solution. The question ends up related to how far you need to go in creating an email notification system within your solution.

The answer, surprisingly, can be SUPER simple. Even, when you need to take things beyond sending one email to a few targeted addresses. You can implement email notification to many people all at once as well.

This video highlights a very easy-to-implement method of integrating email notifications into your own FileMaker database. Need to notify an admin? Need to notify a user? Need to notify a whole group of people? They're all possible in a very short amount of time.

EasyEmailNotifications.zip48.8 KB


Hey Matt. Any tips on getting the videos to play on an iPad? Seems like it should play. But it won't...even when I'm logged in.

Josh Ormond

Josh Ormond

Hey Josh and others. I am working on doing a total overhaul on the magazine site. With pretty much just me being responsible for a number of web sites, the Theme Studio, creating themes, creating article content and family stuff it just takes me a bit longer on stuff like this.

I've wanted to convert the site for some time and I'll be heading into full development mode on it within the first part of the coming year. For the most part, all the videos are converted and can run on iOS, I just need to get the new site up and pointing at these converted videos.

-- Matt Petrowsky - ISO FileMaker Magazine Editor

Hey Matt,
I'm having a hard time getting the quicktime movie to play. I have Quicktime Player 10.1 on Mac OS X 10.7.5. Any ideas? Look forward to viewing this.


There are times where newer versions of Safari just don't like this older site format. The newer updated site will take advantage of all the new cool stuff you can do in browser - but for now... I would try Safari, Chrome or Firefox to see if you can get the movie to play.

You can also download and try it locally.

-- Matt Petrowsky - ISO FileMaker Magazine Editor