My Favorite Techniques of 2006
Ever since FileMaker 8 was released, a variety of techniques have cropped up which allow for more and more control within a FileMaker solution. Whether you're talking about managing interface graphics, or how you name your scripts, there are all kinds of ways to use variables.
This video presents an overview of the techniques I covered within 2006 which lend themselves to making FileMaker a much more powerful tool for creating and managing database data.
I list my Top 5 most favorite techniques and provide an extended look into one technique which was only discussed as a tip in one of my most recent mailings. Start this upcoming New Year with a great head start on making the most of FileMaker. Best Wishes on this Holiday Season and Happy FileMaking!
Extending the graphic to variable tip to use registervariable()?
Can you think of a way to extend the technique of assigning graphic elements and associated meta-information to variables also incorporating the registervariable ( ) custom function? Then listvariables( ) might also be extended to list the graphicname attribute in some syntax such as :graphic: graphicname.
Then even when assigning graphics to variables, you could use registervariables( ) and always be able to see their assignments. Not registering graphic variables is the one pitfall of the technique, and requires a developer to constantly cross-check the listvariables( ) list to be sure that they don't define a graphic variable with the same name as another previously defined global variable.