Using Web Workers

Taking advantage of JavaScript within FileMaker is a crucial skill that can significantly enhance your solutions. Relying solely on native FileMaker capabilities can be limiting, as certain tasks are more effectively handled with JavaScript.

Using a Web Viewer to execute JavaScript comes with nuances. For instance, when a JavaScript process takes longer than a few milliseconds, providing a visually appealing progress indicator can greatly improve the user experience. This is where the concept of a dedicated Web Viewer comes into play. I refer to this implementation as Web Workers. While it’s possible to use multiple Web Workers, in most cases, a single primary Web Worker is sufficient.

In this video, we’ll explore how to implement and utilize a Web Worker effectively. We'll cover concepts such as cascading defaults, creating SVG spinners, managing colors, and other techniques to fully leverage the capabilities of Web Viewers in FileMaker.

UsingWebWorkers.zip1.72 MB