Smart Solution Architecture - Part 2

In Part 2 of our exploration of Smart Solution Architecture, we delve into the fascinating aspects of structuring your FileMaker solution. While the 'common' method of structuring a FileMaker solution might be the simplest, it doesn't necessarily guarantee optimal performance.

As the development of your solution evolves, increased complexity naturally accumulates a few 'cobwebs' and you may encounter potential slowdowns. In order to avoid or diminish this, you'll want to be aware of all the possiblities.

If your goal is to craft a solution that seamlessly blends aesthetics, performance, and ease of maintenance, the FileMaker development environment offers a wealth of possibilities to tap into. The good news is that it's not only entirely achievable but can also be an enjoyable endeavor. This video guides you through additional options for structuring your solution. The exciting part is that FileMaker's ability to facilitate communication between files, regardless of their location, and the indifference of FileMaker's Relationship Graph to data location, empower you to design highly creative solutions.

Give this video a watch if you aim to explore the variety of ways you can create a solution which leverages all of FileMaker's advantages while sidestepping some of its shortcomings.


I would love to see a simple example of this actually working using all the methods you suggest. I totally get everything you're saying and could do it but would like to see what you would do to optimize it. it wouldn't need to be anything more than a simple very small dataset.

James Braaten

Thank you for the clear explanation. I would like to explore more the way concurrent users can update same remote data tables and records. Also, I am interested in discussing techniques to push updates to concurrent users, including when a technique is most appropriate or more efficient.

Valentina N

I agree, great tutorial. But I'm one of those people who can generally follow along conceptually, but really benefit from an example file where I can see how things work in action.

Also, a lot of the tutorial was about pulling data from the server to work on it on the client side; but not much was said about updating the data on the server side. Does that happen automatically with the design you described?

Thanks as always,
