Securing QR Barcodes

Pretty much all over the world you'll find technology which can scan barcodes. Smartphones with cameras just waiting to scan either their very first, or even their 1000th barcode scan. With just over a decade since the first iPhone came out, it's pretty hard to not find a use case where a barcode can help you retire some antiquated manual process. Barcodes can be used almost anywhere to make faster and/or easier solutions.

Given that FileMaker Go supports all major barcode types, you simply need a method for creating your own barcodes within FileMaker. In 2017 I created an article about using a free JavaScript library called QRious and in this article I bring you an updated implementation plus a new library with the inclusion of how you can secure your own barcode content.

If you're ever in the need of making sure that the barcode you're scanning has originated from your FileMaker solution then you'll find the know-how you need within this video and the associated file. The additional JavaScript library I've discovered is also a great enhancement if you need vector based barcodes with support for unicode characters which are not supported by QRious. Need anything to do with QR barcodes? Check this video out!

Securing_QR_Barcodes.zip1.73 MB


Hi Matt, Thank you for this video, it's been very helpful with a project I have on the go at the moment. I have one small question whilst I'm trying to modify this to work in my solution... Can you please tell me HOW I change the BarCodeData result? I have tried swapping some of the sequence of some of the fields, eg: First name, Last name, then ID... But it does not 'stick'... the value displaying in the browser is still in the sequence of the sample you provided. Ideally I'd add other fields etc, but if I can't swap these around successfully, I'm not going to try adding others. Sorry if this is actually a simple thing that I'm just misunderstanding. Cheers Tanya.

Tanya Check

The built-in FileMaker functions for manipulating JSON will ALWAYS place the keys in alphabetical order. If you want a different order, give the keys names like "fld01_id" or "fld02_lastName" instead of just the name of the field. For simple structures you can even build the objects yourself as text strings.

Daniel Farnan

Ignorance is curable, not preventable

I finally got the Nayuki system to work for me but now how do I get the SVG data out and coveted back to a QR code looking image?

Hi Matt,

Great video as always. Just a quick question I have implemented this into my solution and it works fine when accessing it from a PC when I try to access it from go. it generates the HTML QR code but won't pull it into the container field. Any ideas?

