Satisfying Required Criteria

It doesn't matter how advanced you become as a FileMaker user/developer, there are still those times when you find yourself puzzling over how to accomplish a certain feature or data structure.

In this video, I introduce and solve a problem which was sent in by a subscriber. The solution provides some valuable insight into any situation where multiple criteria is required in order to satisfy the desired results. The problem sounds simple enough to solve, at least when you read it - here it is.

"A vacationing member of a time share collective, who will have multiple vacations over time (booked through your solution) wishes to find a property which matches certain criteria. It should offer X, Y & Z amenities and also meet other criteria such as location and availability."

How would you solve this problem if is was your project? How many tables? How many relationships are used? Remember, thinking critically is a skill which will help you keep your FileMaker gears turning effectively!

SatisfyCriteria.zip18.76 KB


Why is this filed under "free access" when it is clearly not?