Portal Navigation Consistency
As with many other development environments, FileMaker offers just enough features to make things happen (and, in the case of FileMaker, a bit more). It's when you use certain features beyond their intended use where you need to get creative.
One such feature are portals. These are primarily for the purpose of showing related data. However, it's just way too appealing to use them for many other things. One of the most common uses is for navigation.
There's a problem, however, when you leave from one record to visit another, via the Go To Related Record script step, the portal resets and causes a disruption in the user interface.
This FileMaker tutorial addresses that issue and focuses on Portal Navigation Consistency.
Custom Function
Matt, you didn't really explain the custom function you used to set the global variable for the max portal row. I'll figure it out but someone else may not quite understand.
Broken for Filemaker 13?
This does not seem to work under Filemaker 13.
Portal Navigation Consistency: doesn't work in FM13 ?? !!
I am horrified that this technique doesn't work in FM13 (although it does work after 1st click)
This is one of my all-time favorite techniques.
A selection that stays put reduces confusion, clutter, and cognitive load (human factors research support for this) I'll guess that the problem is in using conditional formatting to get the last visible portal row (a useful technique in itself)
Can you please tell me why this is not working in FileMaker 13?
Here is a movie that shows the problem: http://youtu.be/R9ewQuZJNzE