iOS List View Swiping

Over the last few years, FileMaker, Inc. has been investing a lot into their mobile offering. FileMaker Go has been updated and revised to provide more and more performance along with accessing more features of the mobile platform. With FileMaker 17 we now have access to many more sensors and in the prior release they added more support for a variety of visual transitions between layouts.

While all of these improvements are really great to have, there are still those certain features which make any UI designer jealous. One of those features is the ability to swipe list view rows in either direction in order to reveal a larger selection of options. While we can't directly emulate the native functionality like within a Swift/Objective C app, we can simulate the functionality with a great degree of success. If you're using FileMaker to deploy on a mobile device, then this is the video you need to watch for a great new technique useful in any mobile deployment with FileMaker Go.

iOSListViewSwiping.zip1.6 MB


You're a genius! That's all!!!

On the 3 scripts you should add "allows User Abort [off]" in order to prevent filemaker to display the abort script dialog if user double tap...

I tend to leave the Allow User Aborts and Set Error Capture steps off in my technique files, but I certainly do use then when needed in my actual development.

Hi Matt.

Love your videos. Had a thought regarding how to make the buttery transition happen. Could you put the button bars themselves in slide controls and then use the set layout object animation on script step within the script to reveal them when the gesture is captured? It might make things a bit too complicated for the technique, but thought I'd offer it up for your take.

Thanks again for all of the expertise you lend. I put many of your ideas into use in solutions I build.


I agree with Marc,
This can be done - and the visibility issues can be set by $$CurrentRecord ≠ _ID or not Get ( ActiveRecordNumber ) on FM 17

There is another helpful item - if you add 2 extra slide panels, a panel.0 and panel.4, you can always capture a swipe on another list item, even if the slider is on panel.2

You can also use a double swipe to perform an action.

I have demo file - if I can figure out where to upload them...

How do I get my name added to your list of cool people in the demo file? :P