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Our Library of Videos
There are many methods for providing access to smaller sets of possible selections. You can offer popup lists or direct manual entry. You can start with all possible options and narrow down or you can start with no options and make selections visible after initial entry.
Sometimes you want to allow multiple selections so a user can control how a portal will filter. This week's video covers a number of the possible options for filtering a portal.
Getting what you want out of a large amount of text only requires you know where to start and when to stop. It's moving it into the right field that's the problem. Fortunately, with this video and the example files you'll put a stranglehold on understanding of how to parse text into the proper target fields.
If you ever wanted to pass structured information between your database and email, html or any other structured format then this video article covers what you need to know.
Sometimes, just thinking about the best way to organize and classify your data is enough. Do you classify, organize or both? Is there a difference?
This video and example files walk though the process of learning when to classify, when to organize and when to do both. Get a better understanding of compound multi-keys and how the structure of data doesn't have to match the presentation. You don't always have to use a new file to store the information!
You've been through the hassle and the expense. You've purchased barcode fonts and you've had to install them on each machine which needs to print them.
Well, what if you could generate barcodes within FileMaker without the fonts, without the hassle and have them work perfectly? Wait, don't answer that question. This video and set of files will teach you how to use the most common barcode symbology and also provide you with a means to get scanned barcodes back into FileMaker. This creative solution may be a first of its kind. Watch today and have barcodes within seconds!
In every programming environment, there are certain fundamentals used to accomplish a number of solutions. Modification triggers are just such a fundamental. Understanding how the use them, not only allows you to automatically format data, but allows you to auto time-stamp notes fields and keep a modification log of which fields were changed into what.
Watch this video to learn how to automatically format a phone number field - and in the process, understand modification triggers.
Working with FileMaker's Preview mode can be a bit frustrating when you want to provide both a preview of what will be printed and navigation at the same time. If your system turns off the status bar then moving from page to page must be done with the scroll bar. Zooming in to see smaller text distorts graphics on forms viewed in Browse mode.
How about an all inclusive solution that makes navigation of Preview mode a dream? Watch this video to find out how!
You know your database system is bound to grow. You wonder, "Have I coded things so the system will flexibly grow to manage the expanding features it offers?"
If you're always looking for a flexible way to provide access to preferences or even offering navigation to access-controlled screens then this video and technique will walk you through a great solution to this problem. Watch this video about a great method for managing preference screens.
You need to allow your users to create a range of numbers, but you don't want the range to have duplicates. You need to write a script that will create the range automatically. Ensuring the unique values is something the script should do - not the user.
The solution must be efficient and fast. So, how many ways can you accomplish this? Many, so watch this video to find out which might be the best method!
There's a number of ways to enforce good data entry. When it comes to making sure that only one of each selection can be made in a value list, how do you remove an option after it has already been selected?
This video and technique file starts off with the problem of making schedules for meeting rooms. When a person is added to the meeting, their name should be removed from the value list. Watch this movie and use the associated files to learn how it's done.
Moving from one place to another, within a database application, is more of an issue than software dedicated to a singular focus. Database software tends to be larger and needs to accommodate more than a few types of users.
Popup navigation is a method of moving to different locations within the database system. It requires less real estate and the technique can be used for more purposes than just navigation. This technique adds a twist that makes the process of navigation much easier to administer and grow.