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852 videos found.
Account Switching & Testing 07/28/2010 - 2:18pm

No matter what FileMaker solution you're working on, you probably won't be leaving full admin access on the file. You don't want just anyone doing anything they want in the database - especially hacking up your beautifully crafted scripts.

So you'll be going through a process of re-logging into the database while both developing and testing. This can be accomplished using an easy or hard way. The harder way is to do what might come naturally, simply double-click the file after closing it down.

The problem is, any frequency of this activity and you'll quickly wish there was a better way. Fortunately, you can script most anything possible within FileMaker. This means you need a solid way of making this happen without making your solution insecure - which will certainly happen if you include vital credentials within the file itself.

You can always store a username/password combination in the file, while developing, and then remove them when you deploy, but this becomes an issue when you need to log in to make small fixes when the file is live - if you tend to do that type of thing.

The solution is to simply create an efficient method for switching accounts on the fly. That's exactly what this video has to offer!

Window Centering the easy way 07/27/2010 - 6:36pm

After working with FileMaker's window script steps, for any length of time, you quickly start to realize there must be an easier way to center windows. Yeah, you can center the current window right within the New Window script step. But, what about making the centering optional based on either the monitor screen or the parent window.

Now, I'm sure there are thousands of different ways to approach this problem. Some of my fellow developers never want to see the window appear anywhere on the screen other than the intended final destination. Myself, I'm ok with a little resize and on-screen moving.

So, my typical approach is to use a few dedicated custom functions and a "one-stop-shop" script for managing all windowing functions.

You can find the functions I show in this video at my github repository here fmpfunctions on

If you have your own method for managing windows I'd love to hear about it!

Leveraging Snapshot Links 07/14/2010 - 3:09pm

FileMaker 11 came with a fancy new feature called Snapshot Links. These small XML-based files store all the necessary information in order to recall a "last known view" of a given data set.

Imagine, if you will, a user is working on a "donor call list". They are presented with a list view of a larger subset of data - the people they must call. The user has made it half way through the list and it's quitin' time for today.

The courteous thing to do would possibly be asking "Would you like to save your place for tomorrow?" and simply doing so upon an "Ok" confirmation and closing the window.

The next day the user comes in to work, the database is opened to a dashboard layout with a portal displaying a task list. There at the top of the portal is an item titled "Finish donor call list". Clicking that portal row simply opens a new window taking the user back to the exact location they were at when they left the previous day.

Normally, this type of feature would require many different scripts and a good amount of time to implement. Now, what would you say if this could be done in two simple scripts? Well, if you're interested, then watching this video will answer your questions about Snapshot Links.

Using Geo Location Data 07/13/2010 - 12:00am

The world we live in, compared to the one I experienced growing up, is simply amazing. I'm personally looking forward to the inevitable questions of "What's a phone book Daddy?" and "How did a card catalog work?" - if only to feel like an idiot for not realizing that cell phones have always existed and I should've known that "fact".

When it comes to using a map, I'm wondering when they'll stop printing them on paper. Seriously, the ability to know where you're at using GPS and real-time digital maps, to see where you're going and enjoy street level views of other countries without having ever stepped in that country is, well, just awesome.

Which means there's no reason not to integrate these features into your FileMaker solutions.

At the most basic level, we often have the need to perform easy lookups for address verifications. This can be done manually, or at the point the address is captured. The trick with these types of wiz-bang features is that you need the data to perform the lookup against.

Having created many solutions which use geo location based data, I've created a video which highlights both a resource for comprehensive GeoLocation data, including lat/long, postal/province codes and other valuable information, along with information about using and updating this type of valuable resource. If your database adventures ever bring you to the point of needing to interact with Geo Location Data then this video will surely delight you.

Simplified Relational Data Display 07/01/2010 - 5:08pm

If you know the right check boxes to tick, and how FileMaker behaves behind the scenes, you can create a very minimalist, yet super efficient user interface for presenting information. In this video I do this very thing.

Using the standard Person -> Addresses example, I showcase how you can really simplify the information presented and still retain all of the expected functionality.

The one thing that many database designers (those who do not consider themselves user interface designers) seem to forget is the fact that you don't have to show all the data entry options possible. You can often present only the minimalist amount of information needed for reference and simply facilitate features which allow that information to be extended or edited.

Your FileMaker portals don't have to present data entry options if they at least facilitate navigation of the very data which the user might edit. So, watch this video if you're looking to either streamline your data presentation to just to learn some new FileMaker specific tricks.

Enhanced Animations 06/21/2010 - 1:19pm

FileMaker has slowly added new features to its formerly nonexistent event model. We now have a wide variety of script triggers and this is immensely helpful for making solutions much more interactive.

What FileMaker does lack are things like 'mouse overs' and other "niceties" such as animation events.

Fortunately, we have access to anything the web browser can do. While some developers tend to shy away from using web viewers my big question is "Why?". It's there, it's stable, it's standard and you can do a lot of cool stuff with them.

If you're looking to add that attention getting dialog into your FileMaker solution then this video will certainly have what you're looking for!

Visual Display of Portal Grouping 06/21/2010 - 1:08pm

FileMaker's Layout mode is pretty robust in terms of what you can design and present in your user interface (if you overlook the lack of native gradients and native OS widgets). When working with portals, in particular, all you have to do is throw your buttons and icons on the first row and magically, they all appear and function on any other row - respective of the row they are on. Very helpful indeed.

So what about those times when you REALLY need to exercise control over what will display on a given row and the times when one row needs to know what's on the next row or previous row.

Well, there are some hidden little tricks you can use to really take advantage of this powerful portal formatting. Watching this video will provide you with the insight necessary to exercise this control!

3 Random FileMaker Tips about Analysis, Loops & Gmail 06/02/2010 - 6:20pm

There are all kinds of little tidbits of information about how to accomplish things. I often overlook some of the things I know about, and assume that everyone else knows them too.

I was told, quite effectively, that this knowledge isn't always common. So I bring to you 3 random tips I pulled out of my recent experiences with FileMaker Pro development. Here they are in no particular order.

Tip #1: Using a RAM disk to significantly speed up data intensive operations. Useful for database analysis or importing or exporting.

Tip #2: Making the most efficient counter loop (actually a 'for' loop) possible.

Tip #3: Using the new SSL/TLS feature in FileMaker 11. I show you how to use your free Gmail account (or Google Apps if you're using it) to send email from FileMaker.

If you have your own tips then send them to!

Automatic Field Formatting - As you type! 05/31/2010 - 5:13pm

"Can FileMaker automatically apply formatting to my fields?", this is not just a common question, it's been a critical complaint as well. What many other desktop database solutions have offered was an easy way to apply masking. Often as easy as setting the mask into the properties of the field itself - a super simple solution - yet, not so simple in FileMaker.

Well, the day has come and you can now do the type of masking you're actually thinking about. Not just post-field-entry masking or using one field to overlay on top of another field, what we're talking about is as-you-type field masking.

It's easily accomplished with an OnObjectKeystroke trigger, the not-so-easy part is managing all the different possibilities of what can be happening when a user is typing content.

Hopefully, by using this file, and the included video content, you'll realize that the automatic field formatting you've always dreamed of, is actually here. Add any of your tips or suggestions to the bottom of this article!

Drag-n-Drop Images 05/20/2010 - 8:01pm

Wow, that whole iPad thing sure has taken off. Drag this here, drag that there, you know, it's a whole lot of dragging goin' on.

Why not do the same in your FileMaker database. Nope, there's no iPad native version of FileMaker (yet?), but this shouldn't stop you. There are a lot of things you can do in your interface when you consider drag-n-drop as an option.

Watch this video to see a very effective method for performing data manipulation within your interface. Import a few images, create a few portals and start to drag away. If you didn't know FileMaker could do this, then you'll certainly enjoy what you'll find in this video.

Adding a clean and efficient visual interface to your FileMaker solution will certainly give it that 21st century Web 2.0 look and feel!
