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852 videos found.
iOS Drill Down Sliders 05/05/2016 - 4:37pm

As software users become more and more familiar with various UX methods, it becomes more and more desirable to emulate those methods within your FileMaker solutions. Common patterns such as tab panels and scrolling lists are a piece of cake and native to FileMaker.

Some of the more recent implementations are simple and super easy, like Popovers for example. However, other implementations can be a bit complex and require those ever necessary bits of deep knowledge about how FileMaker works behind the scenes.

In this video, I showcase a pretty straight-forward implementation of your standard iOS paging between views. It’s when you’re going to drill-down a few levels then allow the user to “back out” from where they came. Using the knowledge in this video and the associated technique file will provide you with a lot of insight into how close you can get to the real thing!

Performance Review 04/28/2016 - 1:25pm

When your average knowledge worker starts developing with FileMaker Pro, there’s a lot of background and history which may be missing. Especially, when it comes to making certain decisions about schema. We’ve all been at that level at some point in the learning curve, and the process of reworking things is just par for the course.

The FileMaker environment makes it so easy to simply add a new calculated value. It’s even part of our mental processing. “Oh, I need to calculate this.”

The problem, however, with FileMaker’s simplicity can be its detriment to performance. It’s far too easy to sprinkle in unstored calculations all throughout your database systems.

In other database environments, the notion of an integrated calculation doesn’t even exist. The database is simply the storage part of the whole equation and may not offer much logic at all. You might have stored procedures, but these aren’t part and parcel with the whole environment like they are within FileMaker.

In this video, I go over some of the tools and tricks I use in order to evaluate the performance level of any given database. Using this knowledge helps you to create more efficient systems which will perform better as time goes by. Remember the saying “Less is more.”? It may benefit your database when it comes to fields and layouts.

Hide Calculation Coolness 04/20/2016 - 4:03pm

One of the best new features added to version 13 of FileMaker was the Hide Calculation. Not only does it allow you to hide any layout element as needed, but it provides access to the calc engine for creating any $local or $$GLOBAL variables on a layout-by-layout basis. Knowing that all layout elements pass through the hide calculation before being rendered to the user is also a helpful thing to know.

In this video, I’ll walk you through the process of using the Hide calculation in order to make a layout change the provided feature set based on the mode the window is in. When switching between Browse mode and Find mode, there’s a number of things you can do to assist the user in understanding what the current context is and what they can do while in that context.

Not only does this take advantage of FileMaker’s native feature set, but provides you with an unlimited opportunity to make your user interface that much easier to understand.

Button Bar Tricks 04/11/2016 - 2:41pm

When developing within tools like Xcode, the sky’s the limit in terms of providing user interaction and user feedback. Fortunately, with FileMaker, we have access to many of the core interaction elements from iOS. Popovers are a great example of a critical iOS UI element.

When FileMaker 13 was released we got the wonderful Popover objects. To follow that up within FileMaker 14, we got the new objects named Button Bars. These new objects were an enhancement on the ages old Button objects. The cool addition to these legacy objects was the fact that we can use multiple segments (buttons) within Button Bars. Each of these segments can then take advantage of the existing features. They can simply act as buttons or become Popovers in their own right.

The primary, and key distinction with Button Bars over standard buttons is access to FileMaker’s calculation engine. With access to the calc engine, we can now do a lot of things to the data shown on those buttons which can’t be done with standard buttons.

When you consider that a Button Bar can have any number of segments from one to 400 (which I wouldn’t suggest) you can think of a lot of creative uses for not just user interaction, but for user feedback and information display as well.

This video showcases a number of creative uses for FileMaker’s Button Bar objects.

Web Scraping Data 03/31/2016 - 3:31pm

FileMaker can be such a wonderful desktop tool for harvesting and managing a lot of data. It’s because the user interface is baked right there into the backend database. You can whip up a powerful data parsing solution in no time. Can it handle the data? Yep! Can you build the interface right there? Yep! This sense of “data power” can be compounded even more with a little bit of know-how.

When you’re not afraid to step, just a bit, outside of FileMaker’s user interface and simply plug-in to another technology or programming language, you’ll find BIG benefits when seeking the holy grail of code leverage.

In this video, I walk you through some serious insight into how the big boys and girls like to parse their web data. If there’s ever a source of content you simply can’t access in an importable format, then you have to know how to web scrape like a pro within FileMaker - Pro, that is.

Slideout Menus 03/24/2016 - 2:02pm

Slideout menus have been around for quite some time in the mobile world. They often come alongside an icon of three short horizontal bars which are commonly called a hamburger menu. Called as such because it looks like two buns, with one above and one below the meat in between. This icon is also suspiciously similar to a "List view" icon in our familiar world of FileMaker.

While the UI pattern still has a lot of use in the mobile world, it's becoming increasingly "out of fashion" and referred to as a basement menu when considered for the purpose of navigation. Regardless of whether the pattern is useful as a navigational method, the know-how behind implementing within FileMaker allows us to use that knowledge in various other ways as well.

In this video I showcase the implementation of a slideout menu for the purpose of discussing all the critical bits to knowing how it's implemented. This knowledge will allow you to take advantage of how a slider panel can be used to disclose further information which may be intentionally hidden within your user interface. Understanding how this UI pattern is implemented within FileMaker will improve your proficiency with creating solutions in our favorite database application.

Securing Service Credentials 03/17/2016 - 2:27pm

Security credentials, such as critical passwords, API secret keys and other methods of authentication are the gatekeepers to vast troves of data.

These are the pieces of information you want to be most careful with. You don't want to spread them all throughout your FileMaker solution making the "attack surface" an easy steal for anyone.

In this video you'll learn about how the Full Access settings apply to both custom functions and how this relates to scripts which reference those custom functions.

You'll get a quick lesson in how to handle the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) coding method of handling web services calls which need access to critical security credentials. If you're distributing a FileMaker file to any physical device or computer then the lessons in this video are super important!

Creative Slider Panels 03/07/2016 - 2:36pm

Emulating features and design functionality found within iOS apps can be both frustrating and rewarding in FileMaker. Frustrating because you can't just replicate anything you see in iOS, yet rewarding when you pull something off and feel like FileMaker is that much closer to a native looking application. The biggest benefit with FileMaker being you likely created the solution with a speed which simply can't be had when building the same with the native iOS APIs.

Simply put, FileMaker saves a ton of time when creating an application which is heavily data focused. Managing data and programming the interaction with that data may take double or even triple the amount of time when not using an IDE like FileMaker.

This video is all about recreating a nice UI feature I found within sliders in an iOS app named Strava. Instead of using the standard plain and boring dots at the bottom of a slider panel, it uses creative looking icons. Of course, I set out to emulate this look and feel and accomplished it quite successfully. As I set out to accomplish the task, I also found other methods which make the whole process super simple to accomplish. Use the information in this video and the provided technique file to enhance your own use of slider panels.

[UPDATE] Forget about what I mention in the later part of the video about hacking the dots. I forgot about where you could control the size of them. It is hidden within the HUD panel for adding and removing new panels. The size setting is right there. I thought I had remembered seeing it and I searched all over in the Inspector and couldn't find it when shooting the video. :(

Practical Layout Design Tips 03/01/2016 - 11:53am

When it comes to creating a great design within FileMaker's layout mode, there's always a bit of skill and experience mixed in with some practical know-how.

Fortunately, the creative side of the experience can be enhanced quite a bit when you know how to apply those practical bits of knowledge. If you've always wondered how the masters achieve their streamlined and balanced look and feel, then wonder no more.

This video will showcase how to use FileMaker's grid and word processing features in order to achieve a flexible and clean-looking layout design. Follow along with the video as I explore the use of the grid, paragraph settings, merge fields and styles and themes.

Portal Based Menu Systems 02/22/2016 - 11:38am

Navigation - it's a fundamental piece to the whole UX problem of a growing database solution. When you first start out, things are pretty easy. You may have a few buttons taking users to dedicated layouts.

However, as things continually grow, you end up adding more and more places to go and things which can be done. Managing this growth, and how you present the possible options, is something which requires a bit of forethought.

When you start to consider the number of layouts which may need to be modified, you quickly come against the ever constant limitation of time. Who wants to have to make modifications to many different layouts if they don't have to - especially to multiple layout objects on those multiple layouts. The fewer objects you need to copy and paste the better.

Even better than that is the ability to dynamically show whatever menu options you wish at whatever time and based on context as well. How about if we throw in some re-usability as well?

Well, how about a Portal Based Navigation menu, inclusive of icons? It may be exactly the solution we're looking for when considering the issue at hand. This video and sample file will provide you with the know-how to implement both a flexible and powerful navigation menu for maximum navigation effect.
