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Our Library of Videos
It's one of the most annoying aspects of using a portal for navigation. It's called Portal Pop by developers, and it's what happens when you click outside of a portal row. The portal pops right back to the first row of all its displayed records. Would you like to solve this problem? With FileMaker Pro 7 you now can!
In this video, I cover a number of features found in FileMaker Pro 7. Learn how to use the Let function. Learn how to pass multiple parameters to a script. Learn how to stop the portal pop from messing up your user interface. It's all inside this one video! Note: If you're still using FileMaker Pro 6 there is also an included Version 6 technique file!
You may have seen this problem before. You want to provide a popup list and you also want to normalize your data. You make the jump to using a join file and numerical ID key values. Then you run across the big disappointment where your value list displays as
3 Cat
1 Dog
2 Lizard
Users don't make choices based on the numbers, but FileMaker insists on using them with normalized data. You just want to show Cat, Dog and Lizard without the numbers in the value list. Well, fix what FileMaker should have done properly in the first place. With this powerful FileMaker 7 technique you'll quickly know how!
You know how to merge customer information into a letter. Working with text is easy. But what about graphics? How do you integrate a graphic with printed text? The answer to this question can be found in this week's video and example files.
Learn how to integrate a graphic image (example files use a signature graphic) into a form letter that is printed. Mastering this technique will allow you to position graphics within the content of a text field in any location you wish.
Files can be converted and used in Version 7
Searching a database for information is probably the most common task performed. When it comes to searching, not everyone reads the special tips or advanced search techniques. This means when users want to search for a single piece of criteria, across many fields, they may not know about creating multiple requests. Well, now you can provide one global field for the criteria and the rest is handled by a ScriptMaker script.
This week's video show you how to use Single Field Searching in your solutions and also provides additional information about how this technique translates to FileMaker Pro 7. Learn about some of the new functions with this instructional video and files.
Following up on the previous week's video about getting started with FileMaker Pro 7, this week brings you information about the overhauled security in the new version. I also cover learning about file references and how they promote a degree of separation between data and interface. To wrap it all up you'll find information about the major changes in ScriptMaker.
If you've been wondering what's new in FileMaker Pro 7, then this video article is for you. Discover the dramatic changes in this powerful end-user database system. Not only has it moved from a structure of many files to a single file with multiple tables, but it now boasts a new relational graph that allows you to build your solution visually.
Check out this free video to find out more about this powerful upgrade.
You've worked in FileMaker for a while now, and you've figured out that managing value lists can be a hassle. Especially, if you're the one to add a new value list each time the solution needs one. What if you could create a system that would allow admin users to make as many value lists with as many values as they want? Even better! What if you could allow them to assign these user controlled value lists to whatever fields they want - and do it from within your own FileMaker interface?
Want to know more? Watch this week's video to learn one of the most powerful methods for managing value lists!
One of the common interface controls in interface design is known as a Tree View. Unfortunately, FileMaker doesn't offer this control, as there's a lot to deal with when you're talking about hierarchy. However, you can accomplish the basic principle with a Simple Portal Tree.
This technique will allow a user to select a portal row, and have associated sub items connected to that row reveal themselves. This is useful for hiding and showing information within a dynamically updating portal.
It's a fact of life. Sometimes, some users change the wrong data. Keeping track of these changes is necessary in a number of situations. While FileMaker Pro doesn't offer the familiar rollback features you find in SQL systems, it is possible to automatically track the changes made to fields.
It's all about knowing what was in the field before the change and who made it. With the addition of a few fields, calculations and one relationship you can have as much field level tracking as one could want. Watch this video for all the How-To!
There are many methods for providing access to smaller sets of possible selections. You can offer popup lists or direct manual entry. You can start with all possible options and narrow down or you can start with no options and make selections visible after initial entry.
Sometimes you want to allow multiple selections so a user can control how a portal will filter. This week's video covers a number of the possible options for filtering a portal.