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Successful UI Design 03/10/2021 - 8:06pm

How easy is it for you to design the user interface of your FileMaker database? Are there any tips you have which makes the process easier? If so, then I would love to hear them!

In this video, I'm providing you with the best information I have about a successful UI design process. It's the opening video to a deep dive about how themes actually work within FileMaker. I start with a blank layout and go over the major areas of what I consider when starting the design of a new database or a re-skin on an existing one.

I cover aspects of layout choice, theme selection and primary navigation. These are three of the biggest decisions you make in the UI process. The rest of the design comes down to the details of the type of solution you are developing.

Sit back and relax and see if there are some valuable insights you can pick up from part 1 of this two part series about UI design within FileMaker.

Catching Duplicates with Validation 02/19/2021 - 8:00am

One of the best feelings for any database developer is knowing that duplicate data simply can't sneak into your solution. You've got clean data such that when you search for a specific email address you know there's only one and it belongs to the right entity.

In the associated video and sample file you'll get all the details for how you can use FileMaker's Unique value validation option. You'll see how you can prevent FileMaker from showing it's annoying dialog box which uses the name of the field when a duplicate is entered. Additionally, you'll be able to execute your own script when the validation is triggered and do really cool things like locate and present the existing instance to the user.

It's helpful features like this that make using a database system that much more user friendly. And this is where you'll find all the details.

Securing QR Barcodes 02/11/2021 - 5:13pm

Pretty much all over the world you'll find technology which can scan barcodes. Smartphones with cameras just waiting to scan either their very first, or even their 1000th barcode scan. With just over a decade since the first iPhone came out, it's pretty hard to not find a use case where a barcode can help you retire some antiquated manual process. Barcodes can be used almost anywhere to make faster and/or easier solutions.

Given that FileMaker Go supports all major barcode types, you simply need a method for creating your own barcodes within FileMaker. In 2017 I created an article about using a free JavaScript library called QRious and in this article I bring you an updated implementation plus a new library with the inclusion of how you can secure your own barcode content.

If you're ever in the need of making sure that the barcode you're scanning has originated from your FileMaker solution then you'll find the know-how you need within this video and the associated file. The additional JavaScript library I've discovered is also a great enhancement if you need vector based barcodes with support for unicode characters which are not supported by QRious. Need anything to do with QR barcodes? Check this video out!

Case Sensitive Searching 02/05/2021 - 2:09pm

Out of the box, FileMaker is a really easy solution for inputing data and simply finding the results you want when searching that data.

There are, however, times when you need to break away from FileMaker's "solve all" solution of case insensitive searching. Times where you simply want to present some data within your user interface - without setting up extra relationships or fields. Or, those times when you simply need to search based on the case sensitivity of the data within a field.

In order to accomplish this, there are pretty much two different methods. In this video I show you how to accomplish this both natively and using the ExecuteSQL method. Using ExecuteSQL we gain a number of benefits and only need to be familiar enough with composing a SQL statement that will get us what we need.

Native Web Scraping with JavaScript 01/22/2021 - 8:00am

Some of my most favorite moments, when working with technology, are when you see the result of a few lines of code do what used to take hours and hours of work. Seeing the fruits of knowledge labor which replaces a lot of manual labor. It's glorious!

The example I'm mentally referencing is any time you need to extract some content from a web page and it's literally SITTING RIGHT THERE in front of your face and you end up using your precious time doing the good old copy and paste.

Every day there are SO many mistakes made by human error because of duplicate entry that if the data is in digital format you're almost always better off just pulling out what already exists.

So, how can this be done easily within FileMaker? Well, it may be the situation where the web page is ALREADY including the code you need to simply extract what you're wanting to get. The trick is understanding how you can use that code and moving beyond that point if it isn't already there.

In this video, I walk you through all the details and all the understanding necessary to web scrap most any web page and do it with the native tools provided by FileMaker 19 and higher. While it is possible with versions prior to FileMaker 19, the new FileMaker.PerformScript function makes things so much easier.

Card Window Progress Bars ( updated ) 01/14/2021 - 3:15pm

Who doesn't want to know how long something takes? It's not like we, as the busy bees we are, have all the time in the world - right? Well, how about some convenient progress information.

One of the most common procedures within all of computing is to cycle or iterate over a set of something. In FileMaker, this comes in the form of records. A record loop is one of the most common things you'll ever do within FileMaker.

Setting a field value to something else across a range of records? You'll likely use a record loop. So, what's the easiest way show the progress of that record loop? It's currently a Card Window. In fact, when Card Windows first came out this was one of the first solutions I offered for said feature back in 2017. It's been a number of years since then and now we have better methods for handling multiple parameters.

So what better to do than give you a progress update about an update to the Card Window Progress Bars. How's that for progress? That's exactly what this week's video article is all about. How to implement a modern day progress bar for your standard FileMaker record loop.

Execute FileMaker Data API 01/07/2021 - 1:22pm

FileMaker Pro provides a variety of methods for extracting your data from its database. From memory, we have standard relationships and calculated concatenations, the Copy All Records script step, scripted data loops and using the ExecuteSQL function. In FileMaker 19, we're provided with yet one more method for pulling data out of the system. The Execute FileMaker Data API script step allows us to use what was formerly available only from outside of FileMaker Pro via a url.

Now, within our scripts, we can use this fast retrieval method for extracting data in the popular and common JSON format. Able to use that data in both web viewers and many other places within your solution. Knowing how to use this new script step will help you extract the data you need - when you need it.

By carefully crafting a specific layout, and using the Execute FileMaker Data API script step, you'll be able employ techniques such as Virtual List and using the data for presentation within Web Viewers. You can also simply pull the data for use within UI elements as simple as a button.

Let's take a tour of this relatively new feature and understand how we can use all of its numerous features.

Server Side Importing 12/31/2020 - 12:51pm

There's a great feeling about writing functional code when it's something you can rely on. You know it's just going to work. Which, for some import routines, doesn't always feel this way. Sometimes the import may fail or you can't figure out how to make it work.

Columns may get renamed, they may be shifted around and vary or you may be importing from multiple different providers. If you're consolidating data from multiple sources or you have a situation where you need to manipulate the data before the import, then we've got a great solution for you.

Not only is this video about server side importing, but it shows you how to anticipate a variety of situations that improve the importing performance and reliability.

The technique file and video will provide you with ready-to-copy-paste code that will setup your import routines to be as easy as drag-and-drop.

12 Tips for Developing in FileMaker Pro 12/24/2020 - 3:20pm

Every trade has its own tips for making your work go faster or happen more easily. During this holiday season I thought it would be great to bring you 12 Tips of Developing in FileMaker Pro.

So, I opened FileMaker and stared at the blank screen of a new file thinking about the things that tend to help me out the most. I pulled down a CSV file from and just let the tips flow out from there.

I hope, with this list of 12 tips, you'll pick up some productivity enhancements that will carry you forward into the new year! Happy Holidays!

Organizing Images 12/18/2020 - 8:00am

With a handful of simple scripts and just a few fields, you can easily accomplish some powerful image organization both inside and outside of FileMaker. In this video, we take a look at how FileMaker can be used to organize a collection of images. This is prior to sending them out or making them available for a web server to host them.

If your FileMaker solution needs to work with images used for verification or any form of media communication, then learning how you can make FileMaker bend to your media will can have a number of big benefits.

Need to know how to manage the whole process and create an optimized approach to capturing and managing a digital collection of assets across a large number of users? We'll address that issue too!
