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851 videos found.
Universal Record Marking 11/16/2021 - 6:30am

Who doesn't need to mark subsets of records? I've rarely, if ever, worked on a solution which couldn't take advantage of simple record marking. Whether it's for creating a user based subset or simply toggling an active or favorite value.

Marking records is something which should just be standard. So, why not make it both standard and universal. Meaning, you use one single script regardless of whether you're dealing with a current found set of records or a filtered portal - and independent of a specific field.

That's what this video and technique file are all about. Universally marking records within your solution. A small collection of scripts for targeting any given Boolean field and making it so simple and easy that you don't even need to think about it. You just call the one universal utility script and call it a day. Your records are marked - or unmarked.

Looking for a smaller, and easier, FileMaker solution to manage? Then start using utility scripts and make this marking solution one of your go-to recipes.

Using Custom Menus 11/04/2021 - 1:55pm

For many FileMaker solutions it's fine to use the default standard FileMaker menus. There are only a few dangerous menu options which can cause serious problems. In fact, learning how FileMaker actually works, via its default menus, is a big benefit in a lot of situations. In some, however, it makes a lot of sense to simply take advantage of being able to implement and use our own menu systems.

In this video we walk through how to get started with Custom Menus and how to take advantage of the features they provide. How to comfortably switch between default menus and one you may have customized.

If you haven't considered using Custom Menus, then you may find some hidden gems which make their use more comfortable. And, if you have been using Custom Menus, then you may pick up some tips and tricks which makes them just a bit more useful.

Custom menus are a great way to make your solution more usable. The key to using them successfully may just be to start from something which already exists rather than having to create something from scratch. That's what you'll find in the content for this week's video.

FileMaker Error Codes - How to use them 10/28/2021 - 10:07am

For anything that could possibly go wrong within FileMaker we have a list of Error Codes. They're easily referenced from within FileMaker's help documentation. While they won't give you the exact solution to any particular error that's happening, they do provide the starting point for where to look and troubleshoot.

In this video, we take a look at how to simply use and reference the provided FileMaker error codes. We also look at how you can intentionally cause an error in order to take control of certain feature of FileMaker.

If having a better understanding of working with errors within your software sounds like a good idea (and it is) then you'll have the info you need to get started.

Choosing the Proper Data Storage 10/25/2021 - 7:47am

One of the more troublesome questions we ask ourselves as developers is "Am I doing this the right way?". And, while it applies to most all situations, it most certainly applies to data structure.

If you don't structure your data well enough, then you either have to restructure it later, and migrate, or try to solve some of your problems in very odd ways.

Fortunately, the variety of ways you can actually store data presents a lot of options depending on what type of software you need to create. The key is knowing these different ways and choosing one which sets your solution up for success.

All software, over time, becomes outdated. It's like thinking things are all good living in a house built in the early 1900's when everything around you has gained significant improvements. The same applies to software. There are newer and newer ways of doing things. In this video, we take a look at three primary ways of breaking down structured data. We classify the student/teacher subtype as it applies to a person. If choosing how to store your data has always been a tricky question for you then you should find some peace of mind with this particular video.

Best Default Fields 10/13/2021 - 8:23pm

When you consider every little action you take while creating any type of software, if you add all those actions up, you can end up with a lot of extra repeated steps.

In consideration of all the fields you may be creating for various utility purposes, along with your normal data fields, it's always a nice idea to take advantage of features which may save you those little bits of time.

In this video, and the provided sample file, you'll benefit from using FileMaker's somewhat hidden feature of Default Fields. You can easily create your own set of desired default fields. And, using the provided file, you can easily switch between these various sets of default fields. I also provide my own personal list of desirable default fields.

Plus, if you've not used the FileMaker 18+ feature of writing file data out, then you'll get a double benefit from this technique file and video. You'll be learning how to use the FMDefaultFields.xml file and how to manage a collection of settings which you can custom tailor for your own needs.

Hide Object When Calculations 10/06/2021 - 4:13pm

Sometimes it's nice to revisit the basics and make sure you've covered all your bases when it comes to what you can do with certain features.

In this video, I take a good look at using the Hide Object When calculation and cover the various options I'm familiar with. This includes uses for the most basic True/False to an increasingly complex calculation which starts adding more and more operators. I also go over the use of containment objects and how they can simplify the use of the Hide Object When calculation.

Have you mastered the use of the Hide Object When calc? Are you integrating uses which account for the user's environment? If not, then give yourself a few minutes and brush up on using this powerful feature of FileMaker development.

Access Controlled Button Bars 09/29/2021 - 2:51pm

If it's not absolutely necessary, preventing a user from accessing parts of your software is a bit better than letting them know what's possible or what's hidden from them. It also allows a given group of users to focus better without presenting options which may not apply to the functions they perform.

In this video and technique file, we take a look at two tricks combined into one. We're making single segments of a button bar hide and show, without resizing, and we're doing this based on a user's collective security access.

If you've had a FileMaker solution grow to the point where all users still have access to all things, then you'll find some great information in this video about limiting access to certain features of your user interface. This video and technique file will give you the insight into providing a limited set of options based on the access levels you define.

Copying Filtered Portal Data 09/21/2021 - 2:05pm

In FileMaker, once you've filtered a portal, which displays a subset of related data, there may be situations where you need to get that data out. A prime example is needing to further manipulate the data within a spreadsheet.

A recent solution I was developing had this exact need. I needed to filter some financial data based on a wide date range. Yet, I still needed smaller subsets, think categories, of financial data and wanted to pull that data into a spreadsheet for a separate purpose.

In order to make this even possible, we need to know the exact records being shown within the portal. There's a bit of a trick in order to make this happen such that you can get the data onto the clipboard. The great thing about FileMaker is if you can find the menu option, then you know it's a script step. Holding down a modifier key while looking at the edit menu, reveals that Copy becomes Copy All Records.

The method of loading the records to be copied, is actually quite useful in a wide variety of situations within FileMaker. If your solution ever has the need to directly copy data being viewed from a portal, then you'll find all the pieces to the puzzle in this video and technique file.

Saved Search Queries 09/03/2021 - 9:46am

While there are some features which FileMaker provides natively, I often wonder how heavily they are used. One feature in particular is the Saved Finds feature, which is only available in Find Mode. It's a great feature in terms of convenience, however, its implementation is right on top of the funky developer'ish UI. It's buried many levels deep within multiple dialogs (if you want to modify any of the saved searches) and it's just not as pretty as developing your own within a dedicated layout or UI widget.

In this video and technique file, I showcase a system of how to provide the same feature of saving user searches. This is handled in such a way that you can make the searches available to whatever user/group or permission set you desire. Unlike the native features in FileMaker, it's not user account specific. Ultimately, it provides many more advantages of being able to run automated searches.

If your data is the kind where multiple routine searches are frequently re-run, then this technique will have what you need. AND, a big bonus is a tip about how to detect when a user executes a search vs when a FileMaker script does so and being able to determine the difference.

Filtered Portal Record Counts 08/26/2021 - 12:11pm

In FileMaker, some features seem like they should be an easy solve. Yet, the dynamic nature of creating something in FileMaker means its development simply can't account for all the possible things a developer might want to do.

When it comes to showing the actual count of records being shown within a filtered portal one might think the solution would already be there. However, it's not.

You have to apply some creating thinking along with a bit of inside know-how in order to correctly show the total number of records being shown within a filtered portal.

In this video, I go through the meanings of "double filtered" and how to go about showing the correct information within your user interface when you choose to use the Filter option found within the Portal setup dialog box.
