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843 videos found.
Using File Paths to Launch External Files 08/08/2003 - 7:00pm

Because a database typically contains information about a wide variety of elements, it's not uncommon to need to interact with other files, and sometimes applications, outside of FileMaker Pro. Prior to Version 6 this required the use of a third party plug-in.

If you're using FileMaker Pro 6 then you have access to a new function called Status(CurrentFilePath). In this video I take a look at maximizing this feature and providing the whole range of services that can be used. You can launch a local file, a file from a shared file server, another FileMaker Pro file on a FileMaker Server, a URL or even open another application or folder. This powerful solution is extremely useful if you need to interact with any other files stored outside of FileMaker Pro.

Tagging Duplicates with a Calculation 08/02/2003 - 7:00pm

It's the age old question most commonly asked about a database that manages data from multiple sources. "How do I remove duplicates?"

As always, there's more than one road into Rome, and you can tag duplicates using a script or by disallowing them into the database upon import. But when you need to visually see the duplicates and compare records based on the most recent then you need the easiest and best way possible. That's where this article solves the problem. Watch this video and use the technique file to see how it's done.

Interface Plugins with a Powerful Punch 08/01/2003 - 7:00pm
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FileMaker Pro can only go so far when pushing the limits of creating that true "custom software" look and feel. The Replace menu option is the bane of every developer who forgets to disable it.

In this video and text article I take a look at two powerful plugins that allow you to customize your FileMaker Pro user interface to the level of professional applications. You can create your own menus with MenuControl and associate them to your own scripts and you can use SimpleHelp to add the equivalent functionality of Tool Tips.
