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Better User Validations 12/15/2022 - 8:28pm

One of the key reasons for using a database is having a single source of truth. When the possibility for duplicates enters the equation of "truth" we have a problem.

Dealing with duplicates comes in the forms of cleaning and removing them and preventing them. One of your primary tools for preventing them is to use data validation.

It's simple really. You can only continue to do this unless these conditions are met. Everything must be valid. In Claris Studio/FileMaker your options for setting field level validations can be found within the field's options. Once you've set these options you're leaving it up to FileMaker to handle this for you. To be blunt, it isn't pretty.

You, as the developer, need to take control of the situation and handle the validations in a much more graceful manner. This is where you need to know the implications of the various validation settings and how to take control with a scripted process. This is where you'll learn how to do exactly that. Watching this video will give you the necessary insight to handle your validations exactly how you'd like to.

FileMaker Go Mobile Tricks 11/21/2022 - 6:00am

While recently working on a FileMaker Mobile solution I came across a number of tricks I was using which I thought might help other developers. The great thing about FileMaker Go is you have access to so many of the core iOS technologies and you can often create very attractive UIs in a short time.

When it comes to controlling access and replicating certain iOS features, you only need a bit of creative thinking. If you see something done in another iOS app you can typically find a combination of features within FileMaker which will let you replicate it.

This video showcases some of the recent features I've been using within the development of a FileMaker Go mobile application. There's an especially helpful script which will take the guess work out of testing your designs for multiple devices sizes. So, if you've ever found yourself thinking "This sure would be nice if I could access my database on my iPhone/iPad." Then make sure and watch this video and download the technique file.

FileMaker Function - Get ( WindowMode ) 11/08/2022 - 10:32am

Get ( WindowMode ) can be really useful when used to vary what is shown within your user interface. This video will both introduce and show you how to take advantage of the function.

FileMaker Function - Get ( Device ) 11/08/2022 - 10:12am

Interested in how you might use the Get ( Device ) environment function? This video will both introduce and show you how to take advantage of the function.

Multi-page reports - Page Numbering 10/24/2022 - 4:09pm

Claris FileMaker is continually adding new features in order to make things easier for developers. In the most recent release of version 19 we found a new function named Get ( PageCount ). This one function essentially emulates the combination of steps we needed to use to determine the total number of printed pages useful for adding a Page X of Y count to the bottom of a printable report. It's available for use within FileMaker Go, which is a big benefit.

However, while the addition of {{PageNumber}} of {{PageCount}} is super helpful, it does not address one of the more common scenarios we find in FileMaker development. That's the situation of a Multi-page report being generated from multiple different layouts. In that scenario we may have a cover page, a summary and then detailed output -all in one PDF report. All this data typically comes from different sets of related data.

So the solution we have above won't work for that type of report. On top of this, one of our standby methods of getting the page count of using the Enter Preview Mode script step simply doesn't function on FileMaker Go or Server. So, we need to create another method of accurately determining Page X of Y. Fortunately, that's what this video and technique file will provide for you. Yet another creative method of solving a common problem within Claris FileMaker. If you need to page number a multi-page report generated from multiple layouts then look no further!

Controlling CSV/TAB Headers 10/11/2022 - 9:14am

Because of its age, FileMaker has a variety of options sprinkled in a bunch of different places regarding exporting data. Some of these options relate to getting the exact export of data you need from the software.

In this video I cover a variety of specifics related to exporting data. One feature in particular is controlling the export headers you may need on your custom export. If you've ever needed to provide an output file of either CSV or TAB, and you'd like to have full control over the headers, then look no further.

You'll find all the details about formatting for custom output, injecting your own desired headers and how to deal with the output on mobile FileMaker Go vs. the Desktop client. Need customized exports? Watch this video and learn from the provided file.

Using External Technologies 09/20/2022 - 3:34pm

One of the greatest joys I get from working with FileMaker is making it do something it doesn't do natively. It's sort of like always being able to say "Yes" and never having to tell yourself "No". Enjoying your sweets and treats as much as you like! There is, quite literally, nothing I can think of that can't be done just outside FileMaker and brought back in to the software.

Do you need OCR? AI processing? Serious image manipulation, complicated heuristics, complex PDF manipulation, data scraping from HTML or anything else? You name your need and a solution can be found. You simply need to be willing to step ever so slightly just outside FileMaker and your result will be found.

In this video, I'll show you the technology you need and how to integrate the technology to pretty much solve any problem. It's always just a matter of knowing where and how to look and then integrating what you find. No matter what your needs are, I can promise that short of a real-life magic wand, the info in this video will put you on the path to solving the problem you think Claris/FileMaker can't.

Universal UI Strings 09/05/2022 - 9:05pm

Claris/FileMaker, as a development environment, is full of all kinds of hidden corners and secret places. Most of this is due to its age and keeping a strong commitment to backwards compatibility. To its credit, there are very few features which have been removed to date. Still have a database which uses repeating fields to store data? They're still there!

To say that developing within the environment is straight forward is a bit misleading. Sometimes, you can combine knowledge about older features with newer ones and end up with something entirely new and cool. That's what happens in this video and technique file. By using JSON with one of those somewhat hidden features, we can solve an age old problem of having field specific information available to the whole solution - and we only need to manage it within one location, which happens to be specific to the field itself. It's one situation where having tightly coupled data is exactly what you're looking for!

In this video we'll take a look at how a well structured format like JSON can benefit us in a wide variety of ways. By addressing the need for supporting multi-lingual field labels, we are just touching the tip of the iceberg with this creative solution.

Error Handling & Logging 3 08/25/2022 - 10:24pm

If you haven't added logging into your FileMaker solutions, then you don't know what you're missing, and there's no better time than the present to do so. With the release of this video and technique file, you'll find an updated version of a long-running topic which goes back to 2013.

The functionality we had in 2013 and 2020 is different than what we have now. We're always trying to take advantage of newer features and improve what we use in our solutions. If you've not watched the previous video from 2020, then you'll find a link to that one below. There are certainly some similar aspects, but we've got some new features and functionality added in. This one is certainly worth the watch.

Like the previous versions, this solution has both error handling and logging included. You'll also find some creative solutions to replicating the exact user environment from when an error occurred for a client. One of the biggest benefits of using a server-based logging system is that you can more easily troubleshoot those harder Perform Script on Server processes. For the benefit of knowing what your solutions' users and scripts are doing, it's highly suggested you take advantage of this wonderful logging system.

FileMaker Memory Bug? 08/15/2022 - 1:36pm

For all my time with FileMaker, there's this peculiar aspect of one's learning journey where small bits and pieces of information come to you in odd ways. You either happen to stumble upon them, or you're told about them through the grapevine. Not from the company itself.

While most large companies are often busy with the business of improving their software, their outbound communications about certain things aren't always prompt or highly detailed. Personally, I love what Claris has been doing with FileMaker communication in the last few years. It's a night and day situation compared to just 5 years ago. There are, however, situations where you have to hear about a particular feature from a close parter like Soliant. Even Claris themselves didn't publicize the fact that FileMaker Server 19.5 supported Perform Script on Server - running on Server - via a flag named SupportNestedPSOS. Go ahead, search for it in Google. You won't find it anywhere on any of the Claris sites (at least as of the posting this article).

Which brings me to technical issues and possible bugs. Unless you frequent the Claris Community forums, it's unlikely you've heard about the 9 year issue of FileMaker being a total hog when it comes to memory allocation for certain functions. All credit goes to Alex Zueiv for this long running discovery. At this stage, it may be known and intentional by Claris, but it certainly is an eye opener. So much so that I decided to make this video to increase awareness. Like you, I like my software to run as efficiently as possible and workarounds, hacks, what have you, I'm going to take advantage of the findings because with software, that's just what you do. You optimized until it's as good as it can be!
