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852 videos found.
Cascading Value Lists: Learning ExecuteSQL 05/14/2012 - 4:01pm

It's finally here, and it's a power tool you simply can't ignore. Yes, you can still build a FileMaker solution the same way you always have. With lots and lots of table occurrences to make FileMaker do exactly what you want it to do.

The problem, however, has always been information overload. As once the solution gets to a certain point, it becomes increasingly harder to decipher. This is due to the fact that FileMaker has always been a tightly bound environment between the data and the presentation of that data (the UI).

The new ExecuteSQL function presents a wide number of opportunities to SERIOUSLY (note the all caps!) reduce the complexity of both your relationship graph and the content of scripts.

The best way to visualize this is thinking of an apple tree. You can always start grabbing apples from the bottom. As you need apples from the top, you've got to come up with something to get you higher. Maybe you climb the tree. Maybe you see a board lying around and can lean it against the tree. Maybe there's enough boards to build a ladder. This is like adding table occurrences to achieve the end result.

Then again, wouldn't it be nice if you simply already had a ladder? This is the situation with ExecuteSQL. FileMaker now provides a tool which allows you to pull out any data (i.e. grab any apples) you wish at any time. While this has been possible for many years with plugins, some developers just never felt the need to venture into the land of SQL. Things can break and you have to learn a new syntax.

With excuses about SQL now gone, because it's baked in, - at least for the SELECT statement - you simply must start taking advantage of it.

This video is a great example of just how much this new function can reduce the complexity of your relationship graph - and it's only one example of many. Need to get your head around this new functionality? Take a ride on the SQL train!

FileMaker Fundamentals: The Let Function 04/25/2012 - 9:30pm

For some developers, the Let function can be a confusing tool. However, without it, FileMaker calculations would be the eternal mess they used to once be.

The Let function is pretty much a critical tool (in my opinion) that all FileMaker developers should know and use. If only for the reason that it provides the ability to self-document code by using human readable variables.

This video provides a great walk through of how to get started with the Let function and more importantly, explains why you should be using it if you're not!

FileMaker Fundamentals: Custom Menus 04/23/2012 - 9:15pm

Personally, FileMaker's custom menus had always been an afterthought. Especially, when it came to creating my solutions. I've always considered their implementation pretty poor and there are a lot of dialogs to click through to set them up.

However, once I figured out a system which really worked for me, and kept my code organization pretty clean, I started adding them as part of the initial setup for new solutions.

In this video, I go through how I use custom menus and why you'll want to consider using them more heavily. If you've not used them before, then you'll be presented with all the information you need to get started.

If you have used custom menus, then you may find useful tips about how to optimize their use and making things more dynamic.

Either way, this tutorial video will present you will all the fundamentals about using FileMaker's custom menus.

FileMaker Fundamentals: Accounts & Security 04/11/2012 - 6:47pm

People do good things - and - people do bad things. If people only did good things, we'd never need security, because nobody would fear what would happen when the bad comes out.

Of course, mistakes happen as well and killing a bunch of mission critical data is something you certainly want to avoid. So, whether you're worried about the bad things people do, or the fact that people simply make mistakes, you'll need to add some security to your database.

This video covers the ins-and-outs of FileMaker's security model and how you'd go about using it. Coming in at around an hour, this is pretty comprehensive, but doesn't cover every tiny detail.

If you've never worked with FileMaker's security and everyone is simply accessing your solution with the same username and password, then this video should give you everything you need to get started. It also provides enough information to implement a pretty complex security setup.

FileMaker Fundamentals: DRY Coding 04/03/2012 - 9:25pm

Before you ever write a single line of code, within FileMaker or anything else, your primary goal should be maintenance and clarity. If you can't understand your own code later, then no one else will either. If your code is a pile of spaghetti, it will be extremely hard to maintain - and - just not that fun.

The principle of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) coding is such that, you can make sweeping changes in singular locations. This makes your code more maintainable and actually more fun to work with. It also becomes more "portable" in that you can more easily copy and paste it into other solutions.

This video presents the concept of DRY coding as it relates to FileMaker development and how to approach your logic and design before you simply head on off to the next big script or feature.

FileMaker Fundamentals: Field Types & Specifics 03/27/2012 - 2:48pm

One of FileMaker's great advantages is that you don't have to be so specific when creating your fields. Specific in terms of how many bits and bytes you're going to store in every field. All you really need to do is pick the field type and then set any conditions you desire.

However, when it comes to conditions, you need to know what can be set and how to do so. There's always those hidden little tidbits such as using the Length() function on a container field in order to get the byte size of an image.

Then you also have issues related to image or file storage and making sure things either are (or aren't) pushed into the database and are stored as a reference instead.

Enforcing your data rules by using validation and script triggers are also specifics you need to know about within FileMaker Pro.

FileMaker Fundamentals: Layout Setup & Parts 03/07/2012 - 3:43pm

FileMaker's Layout mode is the one place where you present the information contained within your database. The presentation can be broken down into categories depending on your solution. The two most simple categories are "screen" and "output".

When designing your solution, the degree of creativity used is entirely up to you. It's knowing the tools and how information can be presented which will help you decide.

It's certainly possible to create an entire FileMaker solution with all Form views, all List views, or both Form and List views. There's no one perfect way in how you present the information.

In this video, I do my best to provide every piece of know-how about FileMaker Layouts and their various parts. Using this knowledge, you should be able to create the type of screen or output you're looking to achieve.

FileMaker Fundamentals: Creating Records 03/07/2012 - 3:09pm

There's nothing more basic than capturing information - it's cells in a spreadsheet or fields in a database. If we never cared about tracking anything, or the historical value of knowing what's happened in the past, then capturing data would seem pointless. But, as it turns out, we do want to know what has happened simply because we're creatures of history - and habit.

So, let's start with your basic menu command of "New Record" and move from there. While expecting a user to simply navigate to a layout tied to a given base table is certainly reasonable, it's not always preferred.

This means you need to know about all the possible ways to create new records within FileMaker Pro. By covering as many of the possible methods known, I hope you'll get a strong sense of what can be done so you'll know which method you should use when the time comes.

FileMaker Fundamentals: Understanding Relationships 02/15/2012 - 5:16pm

When you hear the word 'schema', and think about your database, you may think this deals with how your database is structured. While true, the data connections you make within the Relationship Graph are only one part of your whole solution.

You'll certainly have scripts which define the logical "use and flow" of how people interact with the data. Yet, the key to knowing how to structure your data schema is knowing what your options are and when to set them.

Part of knowing how to structure a database comes from knowing the options available, the other part comes from experience of knowing how to break out data so it fits the desired result - a true art derived from practice. There truly is no one single way of structuring the data because it depends on how it's going to be used.

This video takes a look at the basic setup of how data is most commonly stored and pushed around. You'll be provided with insight into the various possible options and provided with some tips about working within FileMaker's Relationship Graph.
