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Our Library of Videos
Emailing a PDF file from FileMaker may sound simple, but there's a bit more to think about than simply choosing the check box that allows you to attach an email to the new Save As PDF option in FileMaker Pro 8. If you want to automate more of the process, then knowing which script steps to use is very helpful.
This video covers the details you need to be aware of when attempting to perform this common task!
Every great FileMaker developer should have a good grasp of a number of fundamentals. This is what makes development smoother and take less time. This video presents a technique that is bound to become a core piece of FileMaker know-how.
With the information in this video and file, you'll not only know how to create a cool-looking content navigation interface, but you'll have the foundation for creating all kinds of powerful techniques - such as tracking more detail about when a record is accessed, departed from and all kinds of additional detailed information. If you've ever wanted a record event, meaning you can trigger a script when a different record is accessed or a new record is created, then this is the information you need!
Following the Ultimate Tabs video, this new release covers a variety of topics related to more creative uses and optimizations of FileMaker 8's new tab panels feature.
In this video you'll learn about creative uses for sub-panels and how to create an effective and useful navigation method for cycling through tabs in a given tab panel. Want to know how to use icons to indicate the state of selected sub-panels? Watch this video for a full understanding!
Information Interchange - isn't that what's it's all about? You use iCal and I'll use Outlook (actually, I use iCal myself), but it's still about using the calendar software you're comfortable with, unless corporate tells you what you have to use.
Either way, FileMaker is a great solution for distributed information. It provides a high level of collaboration, however, when it comes to using a database for calendar based information, you might want to support pushing information into a user's personal calendar. Fortunately, this can easily be done.
This technique file and instructional video will walk you through all aspects of exporting the contents of your event records into the compatible vCalendar format!
In certain cases where users need to manually place items in a certain order, there are few ways to accomplish this in FileMaker. Since drag and drop for reordering list items is not available, we have to use the closest thing possible. Making a two-click solution allows users to place a first selection relative to a second selection. Using some simple math and a complex script we can accomplish this user-centric task.
Watch this video to learn how you can implement portal row reordering into your own solutions!
After working on a FileMaker database for any given amount of time, you often find yourself setting up the same working environment over and over again. This is typically a process of creating special "viewer" windows where you watch what happens with your data as you develop.
The problem with this inconvenient task is it takes time to setup and position these windows - each time you start a new day of development. While FileMaker itself does not remember the windows you had open when you last closed a file, it is possible to accomplish this with a special developer script. If having a more enjoyable development experience is something you want with FileMaker Pro then watch this video and you'll start enjoying FileMaker even more!
Working off of my recently released Theme Library, I present information on the topic of creating a list view from a pre-existing form view theme. There are a number of tricks to making list views work when using a form view that includes a sidebar. Knowing how to accommodate this aspect of an interface is a life saver when you want to preserve the look and feel you've created.
I also cover how to create and use gradients in FileMaker 7 and 8. If you've got a great starting place for your database look and feel, then watching this video will give you some great tips for creating perfect-working list views!
Providing on-screen messages to users is typically handled via a dialog box window. This is a modal dialog box which the user must respond to before moving on with their work. While ScriptMaker's Show Custom Dialog script step is useful for short messages, it does not allow a great deal of flexibility - at least not like your own custom layout will.
You can create any layout so it will look similar to any type of dialog you wish. You can force users to use your own dedicated data entry screens or walk a user through a wizard-like sequence of steps. The biggest trick with using your own custom dialog boxes is making sure you enforce their use - and being able to make them look and work as expected. Centering windows based on a parent window or based on the current screen are great options to include with using custom dialogs. If you've always wanted to make your own custom dialog windows then watching this video will teach you everything you need to know!
A database is defined by a central location for storing consolidated data. This means there's likely a great number of hands going into that cookie jar. The real question is how do you manage who can do what and are there divisions of users that need different levels of access than others.
The short answer to that question is typically yes. Most every database system requires a bare minimum of user controls. If you need to go beyond the basic limitations of allowing one user to view, edit and delete their own record then this video will cover what you need to know!
FileMaker is a great application for building a database system quickly. Most of the features found in FileMaker can be dynamically controlled through the Specify Calculation dialog box. However, with the introduction of the new tab panels, it seems that FileMaker didn't take things quite as far as they should have. Activities such as using dynamic tab names, custom tab graphics and the ability to trigger a script when selecting a tab are sorely missing.
Never fear, Ultimate Tabs is here. This video and technique file will walk you through everything you need to know to fully customize and take advantage of the new FileMaker 8 tab panels!