Brainstorming Your Databases - Part 2

Taking the time to outline your database architecture is a valuable step in the process of developing a database. It's like a business plan to a new company. The business may not go as planned and you may not follow the plan to the letter, but the plan does provide the groundwork for a focused direction. Withouth the plan, randomness and lack of focus is more likely to creep in.

In this video, I walk through the use of Excel as an outlining tool for creating a new FileMaker database. I move through the steps of taking the brainstorming within Excel into FileMaker and show you how easy it is to use Excel for this purpose.

If saving time with the pre-development stage is an area you've wanted to improve, then this video may have the information you need.

Looking for the first video? Find it here!

Events_Spreadsheet.zip7.48 KB


I really enjoyed this series. Planning outside of FileMaker is something I have struggled with; mainly because it's so easy to work within FileMaker. These videos demonstrate the value of taking the time to think about the project before diving into and developing.

You mentioned OmniOutliner and OmniGraffle during both videos. Do you plan to do another in this series demonstrating how you use these toools?