Hover Actions - Easily assign categories in list views

It happens to all of us. We get stuck in a rut, where we keep repeating the same task over and over again and we just can't "unstick" our brain from doing things a certain way. Sometimes, when you pass the problem past another person, they come up with new and creative ways of doing things.

This video is based upon a situation where the need was "a quick way to assign any one of multiple categories to multiple items" - in this case articles. The solution was, to use a dedicated palette. By using a new window as a palette, you can capture a category and assign it to a value within another window.

No matter what type of data you're working with, there may the time when you need to make assignments to records shown in list view. Be prepared for that occasion by watching this video!

HoverActions.zip111.69 KB


Very impressive, and creative.
While I was pulling this apart I noticed that while the Globals table had fields defined, it had no records, and stayed with a zero record count even though its fields had been used.

I didn't know you could do that! Can you explain why a table's fields can be used without any records being present?

Many thanks for a fabulous service.